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Upwork adalah pasar jasa, tempat orang yang membutuhkan jasa dan menawarkan jasa, dengan semua fasilitas yang diberikan Upwork mereka mengambil 10% dari total pendapatan kita.
Upwork bukan tempat kita menimba skill, tapi untuk mengasah skill, manambah pengalaman dengan skill, dan yang paling penting mendayagunakan skill untuk menambah penghasilan, jadi sebelum sebelum masuk, tetapkan apa yang jadi skill andalan.
Dalam hal ini, saya biasa menwarkan jasa terkait wordpress, image editing dengan GIMP, Inkscape, html dan semua yang saya rasa bisa saya kerjakan. Setelah tahu apa keunggulan kita, lebih mudah membuat surat untuk menawarkan jasa skill kita kepada calon client, dengan bahasa yang sedikit ditinggikan agar calon client lebih tertarik.
Dan untuk itu lebih baik kalau Anda tahu bahasa Inggris dan Indonesia (siapa dulu yang di sekolah ngomong pelajaran bahasa inggris tidak penting dan berguna). Kalau paspasan seperti penulis, gunakan transalate.
Upwork mendukung pencairan dana ke paypal dkk, juga pencairan langsung ke bank lokal, saya lebih sering mencairkan ke paypal agan mendapatkan nilai tukar dengan kurs aktual dan lebih cepat.
Studi Kasus Memahami Job Desc dan membalasnya
Solving a problem with an Inkspace file (SVG) – Aplikasi pertama yang diterima client Job Description
– Problem: The text blocks in the attached file are not editable in Inkspace. When clicking inside text blocks, only text on the top row can be selected, and when typing, text doesn't appear in the right place.
It is also not possible to resize text blocks, or change the font, or size, without getting very strange results. The file is an SVG format export from Adobe Illustrator.
What I want: A step by step explanation of how the problem can be solved. Deliverable: This project is deemed completed and payment will be issued when the contractor has delivered a STEP BY STEP DESCRIPTION that which (when followed) results in the complete resolution of the issue.
Complete resolution of the issue means that the texts in the document when the description is followed become fully editable like normal, newly created, text blocks in an Inkscape document.
It is acceptable that the solution involves doing performing certain steps in Illustrator before or during exporting of the image to the SVG format.
Cover letter – Hi, I have figured your problem with svg image and hope can help you. I maybe have no feedback because I just register here but I have using inkscape about 5 years and also have my own tutorial blog about inkscape (and gimp) (in Indonesia)
Thank You Ata Amrullah
Poin penting –
- Ketika pertama, carilah pekerjaan yang paling mudah menurut Anda, tidak masalah jika itu juga murah, kita sedang mencari feedback / umpan balik yang baik dari client
- Baca baikbaik deskripsi pekerjaan, jika yakin bisa Anda selesaikan dengan baik langsung berikan penawaran
- Jangan ragu menuliskan semua keunggulan Anda, lampirkan portofolio atau job terkahir yang nyambung dengan pekerjaan yang ditawarkan calon client
- Gunakan bahasa inggris yang santun,
you know what I mean
Moving Website to Different URL on a Different Hosting Account
Job Description
– I have a website that I did for a client a few years ago and I need it moved to a different url on a different hosting account. It is a simple Wordpress site and needs to be moved to a different url. I am looking for some with experience in this and experience in CSS, HTML.
Cover letter
– Hello Sir, Moving wordpress to another host and another URL will be completed under 2 hours My name is Ata Amrullah.
I am wordpress specialist, with 4+ years experience in install, setting, design, optimization, and seo on page review, strong on css and html.
I only use manual way to make sure all set up properly on new host, like sync new url inside database, move files under wpcontent folder, .htaccess, and others I need cpanel access both of old and new host and wordpress login I can get this project done as your requirement, please check my feedback and portfolios :)
I can start work immediately when hired I am available at: outlook: skype: mas_atta ym: an_interisti Thank You, Ata
Poin penting
- Kalau Anda yakin mampu memperkiran waktu pekerjaan yang ditawarkan client, tulis itu dan usahakan tidak meleset
- Gunakan bahasa menggoda untuk menonjolkan kemampuan Anda seperti “I am expert on xxx” “Doing xxx is my regular job from 1945” dan lain sebagainya
- Berikan alasan mengapa Anda lebih pantas menerima pekerjaan dari calon client
- Pastikan Anda bisa mengerjakan langsung pekerjaan setelah di hire oleh client
- Informasikan apa saja yang Anda butuhkan ketika mengerjakan pekerjaan, itu bisa menambah keyakinan bahwa Anda memang menguasai pekerjaan yang ditawarkan calon client
WordPress Theme Optimization Job Description
– I have a WordPress site that runs the InfoWay theme by Inkthemes.
It seems to load a little quicker than most of the other themes I tried on the site.
However, I would like to have the theme optimized in accordance with the recommendations made by the Google Page Speed Test at
If you also have experience setting up caching of WordPress sites using a caching plugin like W3 Total Cache, that experience would be useful.
Please specify what experience you have had optimizing website performance of WordPress sites. I only want someone with experience doing this so if you don't include your experience in your application, it will be deleted.
Be sure to include the URLs of several sites you have optimized so I can see how quickly they load. You will also need to document every change made so that if there is an update to the theme that updating it will be easier. Put the word "ZOOM" at the top of your application so I will know that you have read this entire posting.
Cover letter
– Hello Sir I have 4 years experience with wordpress from setting, design and optimizing I have done several speed up web project on Upwork.
Example of my work: Result of latest pagespeed and yslow score Graphic of increasing score Actually, there's about 6 way to improve site speed,
- using cache plugin like W3 Total Cache to compress output page
- manually improve .htaccess (on apache server)
- manually compress all template file to be more smaller
- manually compress all image of template to be more more smaller
- manually compress all javascript file to be more smaller
- sprite it combining background image to one file so its load once time (it mean faster loading)
I can start work immediately I can't guarantee your speed rate will 100%, but I believe can get about 90% both pagespeed and yslow Please also check my profile to see my full resume and last job history and portolios I am available at: skype: ym: an_interisti Thank You, Ata
Poin penting
- –Punya pekerjaan yang telah selesai dengan baik, relevan dengan pekerjaan yang ditawarkan client? Jangan ragu menampilkannya
- Tampilkan proof / jaminan kalau Anda bisa mengerjakan dengan baik, seperti optimasi pagespeed dari 50% menjadi 95%
- Bila memungkinkan, tampilkan secara umum langkahlangkah Anda menyelesaikan pekerjaan bila diterima, itu bisa menunjukkan Anda menguasai
- Berikan garansi yang memang bisa Anda janjikan, bukan janji palsu, apalagi alamat palsu, hehe.
- Biarkan calon client mengecek resume / recent history kita untuk meyakinkan bahwa kita kapabel / punya kemampuan untuk pekerjaan yang calon client tawarkan Sekian dan tidak usah banyakbanyak, Wassalam.